15k Mile: Particle Filter

Replace filter element. Also called the "pollen filter" this is the filter for the air in the passenger compartment.

Tools needed:

T-26 Torx bit available from any hardware store

Parts needed:

996-571-219-03 Pollen Filter $62.10 was my last cost but I've also paid $33.53. I really should pay closer attention when I'm shopping.


Open the front trunk.


Remove the battery compartment cover by turning the cover latches 90 degrees and lifting it up and forward.

Remove the T-26 torx head screw and pull the pollen filter cover up and forward.

The filter is sitting under the dash in plain view. Pull it up and out.


They can get pretty dirty.


Put in the new filter, make sure it sits snug in its holder, and put everything back together. Not much to it!

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