15k Mile: Diagnosis System

Read out fault memory

Unless you have special equipment, you would need to see the dealer about this step. Personally, my theory is if nothing lights up on the dash, then the computer is fine.

To read the fault memory, you need a device that connects to the 16-pole diagnosis socket. This is a federally mandated socket type, from what I can tell, and there are numerous vendors that sell software that you can load on your Windows™ PC and connect to the socket to read the basic faults.

However, there is much more functionality in the car's computer that non-OEM vendors do not have the ability to decipher. To read these additional codes you'll need a Porsche System Tester 2 (PST2) which is most likely more than you're going to want to pay. As I recall it exceeds a few thousand dollars, and doesn't include updates. You pretty much have to fix Porsches for a living to justify this purchase.

So, my advice is to either visit the dealer for a special read of the faults, or just ignore it. Chances are that if there is a fault that matters much you'll have other indications like dash lights. You should ask the dealer to read the diag system everytime it goes in the shop for any reason.

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