15k Mile: Oil Change

Change the Oil. Lots of people have different opinions on when to change the oil. Porsche says that it isn't needed until 15k miles and the filter needn't be changed until 30k miles. This only applies to normal usage though, and if you live in hot, humid, dusty, or other harsh climates then you should change the oil more frequently.

I know that it says that the oil filter is good for 30k miles, but since you're under the car draining out the oil, you might as well change the filter. My last oil filter only cost $13.12.

First, put the car up on jack stands or raise it on a lift. I have designed and made my own nifty jack stand pads to support the car from the jack points, but they shouldn't be necessary. Of course, follow common sense safety, you'll be getting underneath a machine that weighs more than a ton. If it falls on you, it will ruin your day. If you don't know how to jack up a car, and aren't confident with the safety concerns, don't do it and find someone to walk you through it personally. You do not want to have a car fall on you.

Okay, that's the obligatory safety lecture.

Tools needed:

Jack Stands (4)
Drip pan that can hold 10 quarts
Speedy dry to soak up the inevitable drips.
8mm hex key, preferably for a 3/8" or other socket drive
Torque wrench capable of measuring 37 ft-lb

Parts needed:

900-123-106-30 Alum Seal Ring (way over priced at $1.49 but I've even gotten it for $0.32 before)
At least 9 quarts of your favorite brand of oil Porsche recommends Mobil1 and so do I. I won't get into the discussions about which weight is best.


With the car on a lift or jack stands and safely secure from falling, slide the drip pan under the engine.


With the drain pan positioned to catch the oil, use the 8mm hex key to remove the drain plug. Try not to get oil all over yourself and to catch the plug before it drops in the pan. There's no reason to do this, I just like a challenge! You should also remove the old aluminum seal ring (crush gasket).

It's important to let the oil drain for a long time. This is a horizontally opposed engine and the oil takes a long time to completely drain out. You'll get a gush for a bit, and then you'll get a thin stream for about a half hour. This thin stream can be almost a quart of oil. If I get the opportunity, I just let it drain overnight.

As I mentioned before, Porsche doesn't say to change the oil filter until 30k miles, but I suggest doing it now anyway.

Once you're satisfied all the oil is out, put a new aluminum seal ring on the drain plug (don't reuse the old one, it defeats the purpose) and put the plug back in. Torque isn't terribly critical, but I like being safe so torque it to 37 ft-lbs which is what the manual recommends. Improper torque can strip the threads, or allow the drain plug to back out in which case you'll lose all your oil and potentially destroy your engine.

Pour in 8 quarts of oil, and let it sit. Check the oil level and parts of the ninth quart until it reaches a level that you're happy with. remember to wait at least 10 minutes or more between adding oil and checking the oil level. If you're in a hurry, just dump in nine quarts and be done with it, but you can usually add 9.5 quarts. Remember that when hot, the oil expands and will read higher.

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