Thursday - February 21, 2002Why I'm now sure that Bush's "Axis of Evil" is an Accurate StatementI read in the news today about Jimmy Carter's
opinion of George Bush's comparison of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea as an Axis of
Evil. I had been in agreement that these are very bad nations, among the worst,
but I had been wondering whether it was good to call them an Axis of Evil as
public policy. But now that Carter has come out against Bush's statement there
is no longer any doubt that Bush is
It seems that the man whose policies made the United States a laughing stock around the world doesn't agree with Bush's characterization of these three nations. You see, Jimmy thinks that good foreign policy consists of convincing your enemies that you love them, no matter what they do. His "hold hands and sing kumbaya" policy led to the humiliation of watching the Shah of Iran getting toppled from power and our cowering in fear of the Ayatollah Khomeini while he held hundreds of Americans hostage. Jimmy Carter is the type of man that would try to reason with a man to stop raping his little sister. His opponents love to think that Reagan worked
some kind of deal to secure the release of the hostages on his inauguration day,
but I doubt that any such conspiracy existed. I think Reagan simply made it
clear that he would do whatever it took to get them back no matter how many
Shi'ites got killed in the process. No need for conspiracy, they knew what would
happen when a man with a backbone was in power. They were about to die, and they
knew it, if they didn't return the hostages
One of my biggest goals when I joined the Marine Corps in 1982 (when I enrolled in NROTC) was to join an expedition to Iran and topple their theocracy and install a government that recognized the freedoms we take for granted. That didn't happen, to my disappointment, but to be fair to Reagan we did have the cold war to tend to at the time. It should be clear to everyone that the current war on terrorism has been made necessary by the failure of Jimmy Carter to subjugate the Iranians when they first started to attack us. (It was worsened by George H. W. Bush's failure to oust Saddam Hussein from power and install a pro-freedom regime there.) Had Carter stood up to them, and destroyed their theocracy, the other fundamentalist Islamic cults would likely not have gained so much support. By not removing these fanatical religious despots from power, they grew in power and exported their methods (even to Sunni Muslims) to other Islamic states. Terrorist cells sprung up throughout the Middle East mostly from Iranian influence. If Jimmy Carter had acted after the first attacks on our embassy in Tehran, or even better if he had acted when the Shah was ousted, to ensure that a good government were emplaced we wouldn't have any of these troubles now. There are many even today who would balk at "nation building" and claim that we have no business interfering in other cultures. But the truth is that freedom is universally good. Rights are universal and independent of culture. All men on Earth deserve the freedom to speak without fear, the freedom to write their ideas, the freedom to believe (or not) in whatever god they choose and worship as they see fit, the freedom to own property and to protect it. These freedoms belong to all men. We haven't the ability to ensure that all people have their rights recognized, but where we have vital interests we have a moral obligation to ensure that others live in freedom. Had Jimmy Carter ousted Khomeini and fostered a good government, the potential prosperity of Iran would have been achieved. A prosperous people are a peaceful people, generally. Iran has an educated population and plentiful resources to propel it into prosperity if capitalism and the rule of law were established to foster freedom. But Jimmy is a craven coward who whimpers in his urine-soaked slippers at the thought of doing what is right. He is a man without a good understanding of morality. He is a man who thinks that people who force others to worship Allah in the manner they dictate, who subjugate their population and degrade and enslave their women, who murder and mutilate those that resist their oppression, that these are not bad people, they are simply people with a different culture. New York City and the city of Arlington, Virginia have been raped by another Islamic theocracy, and Jimmy Carter wants us to reason with them to stop. George Bush is going to stop the rapist and he's going to stop the gang waiting outside to take their turn as well. If you were the younger sister about to be raped, whom would you want for a big brother? Jimmy, go back to building houses and stop spewing your immorality disguised as compassion and enlightenment. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |