Sunday - August 08, 2004The Euro Weenies are Now in ChargeColin Powell, the squeamish
loser , has invited the Euro weenies to officially
"monitor" US elections. I suppose it didn't occur to him that these
are the same people who wouldn't support us against Iraq, the same people who
have made their contempt of the administration quite
Did President Bush know about this foolishness? Did they stop to consider the obvious consequences? Did they even think about what is obviously going to happen? Let's make no mistake about this. There has been
an international socialist movement in western Europe since the late 19th
century that was the inspiration for the rise of communism in Russia. This
movement came not only with a political philosophy, but with anthems and
disciplined organizations. In some nations these organizations were more overt
than in others, and they waxed and waned in influence. Before and during the
Spanish Civil War, there were strong movements in England and France that failed
to dominate their governments but exerted some influence nonetheless. The beret
of the French socialist movement became the defacto uniform of the Spanish
socialists, and even of the icon of the ideals of communism,
This international socialist movement drove the Venona spies in the United States, including the Rosenbergs, Harry Hopkins, and too many other people to mention here. That is, not only were there many socialists and communists in the communist international, they were actively spying at the highest levels of our government. I submit that 100 years and more of international solidarity in this communist movement did not end with the House Unamerican Activities Committee, or with the denunciations of Senator McCarthy, but it continued and continues to exist. I suspect very strongly that in the Viet Nam war the movement gained its greatest strength, with active participation from Jane Fonda and from people like John F. Kerry, now candidate for president. Ever since the rise to power of Reagan these people have become increasingly desperate. No longer hamstrung by the obvious evil of the Soviet Union after the fall of the Berlin Wall their desperation was magnified by boldness that we haven't ever seen in this country before. The usual suspects, under cover of various organizations like the Greens, various environmental groups, anti-GATT groups, Palestinian supporters, etc., have united time and again to promote the most extreme socialist agendas ever put forward in the mainstream of US politics. After learning of Venona and the Soviet and Comintern influence in the US from the 30's to the 50's, and understanding the nature of the Communist International's inroads into western Europe I find it very hard to believe that the current international anti-American and socialist agendas of various European governments and the Democratic party of the US are not associated with the longstanding international socialist movements. This would explain the rabid promotion of idiotic lies and deceptions from the likes of seemingly insane men like James Carvelle, and the parroting of these lies by a compliant press corps. it would also explain the seemingly insane insistence by various Euro countries to undermine the US's stance in Iraq. The French, the traditional leaders in the international socialist movement have for the past 50 years been building a Franco-Islamic power base with the hope that the huge Islamic part of the world would be aligned with them in opposing the US and enabling them to institute their socialist nirvana at long last. So these are the people now given the opportunity to "observe" US elections. Has there been any indication in the past few years that these organizations will do anything except exploit their role to embarrass our nation? What will be our reaction if these "observers" declare our elections to be flawed? When Bush wins, we can count on these anti-American organizations to denounce the results. Their predictable biased announcement is sure to increase dissatisfaction among the losers in the shrill and fanatical socialist/communist organizations trying to control the Democratic party. Our nation, surely the greatest democratically based government in existence could be plunged into chaos by foreigners with interests contrary to our safety and power. Calling in foreign election observers is the single most stupid decision I've ever seen by our government. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |