Friday - November 14, 2003Where do I belong?Most people divide politics into "liberal" and
"conservative" labels. There is no clear definition of these terms. This
nation is the birthplace of liberalism, but nowadays liberals are called
conservatives, which used to mean something entirely different. Labels mean so
little because we give such conflicting meaning to the
In the past decade we've seen a growth in the recognition of other ideologies, sometimes associated with new parties like the Greens and the Libertarians, and there have been parties that are new without any ideology, such as the Independent Party. People have often tried to pin me into a political category, and they're often so wrong. Most think I'm a conservative, and some even think I'm a liberal. Both labels fit me poorly. I'm not a conservative, I'm not a liberal, I'm not a green socialist, or a libertarian. I'm an objectivist. I'm not a conservative. I do not believe in a
strong federal government except for national defense. Many modern
conservatives tend towards libertarian principles, but rarely practice it.
They'll say that they don't like big government, yet they are often in favor of
government interference in business, spending my money on putting their children
through schools, and even social security, welfare, and medicare. Conservatives
are quick to inflict their religion and opinions on fellow Americans at the end
of a gun, and are in favor of a "war on drugs." They believe in federal control
over the monetary system. That ain't
I'm not a liberal. The term has been so corrupted that it no longer means the beautful system of liberty that our nation was founded for. Modern liberalism is a strange cross breed of ultra-socialism, communism, environmental fascism, gun confiscation, and has degraded to the point of being dangerous to our freedom. Its practicioners have become incapable of rational discourse and its leaders unable to open their mouths without lies and outright fabrications. They no longer stretch the truth, or spin misleading viewpoints, they now lie with impunity on every topic. That ain't me. The Greens are just a bunch of extremist liberals. They are a mix of the worst of the communists, ultra-socialists, the misguided disciples of the meddlesome Ralph Nader and others who are anti-life, anti-human, and think that humans are a pestilence on the Earth. That ain't me. For a while I considered myself a libertarian and at times I even worked with and voted for the Libertarian Party. I never felt comfortable with orgainizations like the North American Man-Boy Love Association seeking to associate with the party, but despite that they attracted some fringes of society like hedonists and anarchists, they seemed the most principled party out there. I felt less and less comfortable with them over the years, and after the terrorist attacks, I was horrified that the LP's first response was to blame the United States for being attacked. I can't abide that way of thinking. The LP has since become a pacifist party. That ain't me. I mailed back my membership card. I often say that I'm an Anti-Federalist. But that confuses people. Those that have any recognition of the term usually think I mean the Federalists like Jefferson, Adams, and Washington, rather than the Anti-Federalists like George Mason and John Randolph. Mason and Randolph are my greatest political heroes and they struggled hard to limit the creation and growth of federal power. Their most significant victory was inserting the Bill of Rights, written by George Mason, into our Constitution. Few know who these people are, and they're all dead. There is no Anti-Federalist party, they have been defeated. I started writing these rants mostly after 9/11 and I've been surprised that most of my opinions have been echoed by writers at the Ayn Rand Institute. I don't agree with everything written there, but most of what I've written I've seen afterwards on their site. I've studied Ayn Rand's philosophy, Objectivism, for many years and I've been pleased with how my way of thinking has been mirrored by others independently from me. It proves that having a solid philosophical foundation is the basis for having a correct understanding of world events. So I'm an Objectivist. Few people recognize that term, and no one runs for office using that label, but there's no better way to say it. I am for laisse faire capitalism. I am for eliminating the federal bank. I am for private schools. I am against religion, but I support anyone's right to pollute their own mind with religion if they so choose. I like literature and movies that exalt the heroic in man. I am against nihilistic post-modernists. I am for a vigorous defense of our freedom, and I am for the destruction of the anti-freedom, anti-life, anti-mind culture of Islam. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |