Wednesday - August 09, 2006I don't like Barak Obama, but . . .I don't like Barak Obama. His politics are
antithetical to my own. I suspect that there are virtually no points of public
policy that he and I agree on. And being a politician, and of the
Democrat/Socialist variety, I suspect that he is less than honest as a man or as
a government official. I will never vote for
But I admit that he is somewhat respectable as far as politicians go and clearly he is intelligent and articulate. I never want him in office, but if an opponent is in office, I would rather it be him than Cynthia McKinney. Good riddance to her. There have been some who have suggested, perhaps with tongue in cheek but perhaps not, that the moron McKinney should be supported by her political opponents so that her side of the aisle can be more easily mocked. I don't see it that way. I want opposing ideas to be supported by the
best. I want the fight against socialism to be based on why socialism is bad,
not because its proponent is an idiot. Otherwise the reason for opposing
socialism gets forgotten, and that is a lesson we cannot afford to
Additionally, although I don't like for the racial divisions in politics, these divisions exist nonetheless and won't be going away soon. I'd much rather that black people, since there is a perceived need for fellow blacks to speak for them, be represented by people more representative of the basic intelligence level of normal human beings than morons like Cynthia McKinney or Marion Barry. Or Nagin. Morons put in the position of being the spokesperson of an entire race only serves to intensify racism and insult everyone, black and non-black. So, three cheers for the ouster of McKinney. She will no longer be making a mockery of our democratic process. end Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |