Monday - November 06, 2006It's Not Kerry I'm Mad At."I'm so glad to see you." She said. She is a
fellow student with me, we're both starting this new career late in our lives.
"I've been anxious to ask you what you thought of John Kerry's comments about people in the military being stupid." I've been labeled here as "that guy in the Marines" and often get asked questions such as this. I think she expected me to act indignant at Kerry for his ridiculous comment. To a certain extent, I am indignant at him. But he's not the one I'm mad at. I told her, "When a baby poops in his diaper, is it right to get angry at the baby? No, that's what babies do." And so it is with John Kerry. I don't expect anything else from him. (click on the link for more) It's not John Kerry I'm mad at. His latest
comment is mild compared to past lies and slanders he's told. His timing made
his remarks more noticeable, but does anyone really think he thought any other
way? Despite all his protests, there is no doubt about his opinion of the
military and his cynical and disingenuous use of the military to further his
political career.
So his comments are nothing more than one more poop in the pile of feces that is John Kerry's track record of contempt for the military. So whom am I mad at? The American people. The voters of this country who very nearly made this despicable man our president. It's enough to make one wonder about the merits of a democracy. The fact that he lost restores my faith, but it was close, very close and I hope we never again get that close to having such a treasonous man elected to be commander in chief. How do the people of Massachussetts put up with him? Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |