Saturday - March 31, 2007No One Publicly Questions Their PatriotismWhen I read Thucydides' account of the
Peloponnesian War, one of the most baffling things to me was Alcibiades. Here
was a man who time and again was blatantly treasonous to his city, siding with
the enemy in battle planning. Yet, he was still popular in Athens –
popular enough to trick them again and again. How could the Athenians be so
stupid and gullible?
Now I see how. Just look at the Democrats today. Now, our senior-most communist in the government, Nancy Pelosi, the intellectual light-weight who is enamored with her own improbable rise to the Speaker of the House, has decided to visit with the President of Syria. Syria is our unstated enemy, and is routinely sending people to fight us in Iraq. Nancy Pelosi is just like Alcibiades. Except that Alcibiades was brilliant and Pelosi isn't. So when did the House of Representatives get to negotiate with foreign heads of state? More importantly, why isn't the administration openly questioning her patriotism? Here's an image of a vase showing a man putting a Herm, a traditional statue of Hermes in place. The Greeks placed these at road intersections, much like later Christians placed statues of Mary at road intersections. The other Herm I've seen was more cartoonish. George W. Bush is rapidly diminishing in power.
By not exercising his back bone, it has gotten weaker and weaker. He acquiesces
to traitors daily now. He doesn't speak out against them, he doesn't challenge
their actions and motives, even in a blatant case like this where there is no
question that Pelosi is seeking to undermine our nation in its ability to wage
Just what is her aim in going to Syria? The reasons are almost too obvious, but the horror of the truth keeps many from seeing it. Pelosi, just like Kerry during his campaign, is pushing these foreign, unfriendly heads of state to act in ways that support her ambitions. If she can get Syria to act in a way that discredits the current administration, she will have more power to undermine it herself and increase her, and the socialist international's power. Pelosi is now much like Alcibiades. Alcibiades was responsible for pushing Athens into the disastrous Sicily campaign, which only served to divert their army from the Spartan threat during a very fragile truce with them. Not only did Athens lose their entire army, add more enemies to the war, and embolden the Spartans, but Alcibiades helped the Spartans do it. Shortly after being sent on the Sicilian campaign, he was recalled on charges of religious impiety. Okay, some more background. The night before the Athenians deployed on the Sicilian campaign, someone, or it must have been some group, went around the city and mutilated all the statues of Hermes. Hermes was a god of virility, and his statues featured a very prominent erect penis. The example I saw was cartoonish. Although Thucydides doesn't say so, the Hermes were mutilated by breaking off the penis. The culprit was never found, but the result was a witch hunt. After the witch hunt subsided, the Athenians concluded that Alcibiades was behind the plot. He had many friends that were very irreverent and regularly mocked the religion, and it seems reasonable to me that he was associated with the mutilation of the Hermes, though historians have not been able to decide this issue. The Athenians ordered Alcibiades to return from Sicily for trial. He, probably correctly, concluded that the trial would be a kangaroo court and escaped to Sparta. He then began to advise the Spartans and later the Persians on how to defeat the Athenians, starting with convincing the Spartans to send military advisors to Syracuse. It was this advisor that led the Syracusans in an amazing campaign that destroyed the entire Athenian army in Sicily, at least 2/3 of their total military force. Alcibiades' treason changed the entire Peloponnesian War, and this led to the eventual defeat of democracy in Greece. After the destruction of the Athenian army, Alcibiades rotated between helping Athens and fighting Athens, with disastrous results for his homeland, and each time he had wildly enthusiastic supporters at home. I want our President to ask our nation, loudly and often, to demand that Pelosi tell us what deals she is making with the enemy. I want our commander in chief to threaten the Speaker of the House with charges of treason. I want our nation to be protected from our own version of Alcibiades, Nancy Pelosi. Going to Syria, mutilating the Herms. Both were acts perpetrated by citizens of a democracy intended to undermine their own nation at war. The mutilation of the Herms preceded the destruction of an army. I fear this collusion with Syria by the leader of the Democrats bodes equally badly. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |