Thursday - October 25, 2007It's Getting Harder and Harder to Understand GW BushThe latest in the news, but strangely not
prominent in the news, is that our new friends, the Czechs are offended. I
can't blame them.
You remember the Czechs? Yeah, those unfortunate people that keep getting marched over by one occupier after another? And no one bothers to help them? Yeah, that's the Czechs I'm talking about. Hitler marched in and everyone yawned. Then after millions of people died to destroy Hitler's attempt at world or at least European conquest, we all sat back and clicked our tongues as the communists from Russia marched in and treated them far worse for forty years or so. The Czechs are among the best people on this Earth, if you score that by their dedication to freedom and capitalism. They never gave up their culture of freedom, even in bondage. Once the Soviets collapsed the Czechs were among the first to re-establish a responsible, civilized government. But now, look what's happened. The Bush administration has asked the Czechs to allow Russian soldiers occupy their country again. This is simply unbelievable. G.W. Bush is exactly like his father in most
respects, except even worse at public speaking. In this instance, I think this
little stunt shows how he really believes in a world of one government, just
like his Pa. And I'm not even going into the reports from Mexican president
that Bush suggested a universal currency for North America. I used to think
that only conspiracy theorists believed that, but apparently it was
So here's the details: The Czechs, in an effort to protect themselves from being taken over again, have joined with the United States and NATO and agreed to providing bases for mutual defense. Among those bases are radar installations. For some reason, even though none of the former Soviet Bloc nations have been asked their opinion, upper level politicians of both stripes have repeatedly sent overtures to the Kremlin to join in NATO and conduct military operations together. Personally, I don't understand how if Russia is no longer a threat, why do we need NATO at all? If we still need NATO, then why would we trust Russia to defend us against Russia? The obvious answer is that NATO is no longer a defense alliance, it's a government program and as such it can never end. Without a revolt, that is. Not that I'm advocating one at this time. I think it's even more curious that our attempts to put bases in the Czech Republic, Poland, Azerbaijan, etc. are all being somewhat successfully thwarted by Russia. No one in this world has missiles for us to defend against except Russia. Why would we allow them to tell us what to do? But even more important than the absurdity of including the Russians in our military installations is the idea that by even acknowleging that the Russians have a say in any of this is repulsive to the ideas of freedom that we claim for ourselves and that we give lip service to in support of other nations. The Czechs and the other former Soviet Bloc nations know first hand, within most living memories how oppressive and murderous the Russians were to them. They are afraid of them still and want to remain free of them. But we think that the Czechs should allow the Russians to have a base in their country. Can you imagine after the Amerian Revolutionary War if our allies the French suggested we should allow the British to establish military bases in Boston? Yeah, the Bush administration is that stupid. Let's hope that the Czechs remain true to their national character and refuse to back down on this. I think they are displaying much more sense than we are. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |