Thursday - November 15, 2007
Who is Funding Ron Paul?
I'm amazed at accounts of Ron Paul's miraculous
fund raising of more than $4 million in one day. But no one seems at all
interested in where this money came from.
I've been a supporter of Ron Paul for
many of his principled statements in the past decade. He has a strong
libertarian strain in him and is big on limiting the power of the federal
government, but his pacifism and his tendency to go along with the Libertarian
Party's insistence on blaming America for the 9/11 attacks has left me quite
opposed to him.
And now that he's been
much more public in these debates, I'm pretty convinced that he's just a loon.
The Libertarian Party and Ron Paul are confusing simplistic slogans with the
necessary traits to govern. You can't govern by blaming us for being attacked.
You can't govern by ignoring attacks or letting our country get humiliated by
terrorists. We must win the war.
honest people can disagree. I'm willing to believe that Ron Paul and his
supporters are honest and well-intended.
But let's face it. They're mostly a
bunch of pot smoking dead heads. Not that there's anything wrong with that,
some very good friends of mine are pot smoking dead heads. They're great
people. But mostly, they don't have $4M to give away in a
So where did that money really
come from and why isn't anyone looking into that question? I have my own
opinions and here's what I think.
The republican party has no leg up on the
democrats. It's too early to say who the nominee will be on either side of the
aisle, but it's clear what some anti-American forces are up
to., an organization funded
by George Soros, and supporting numerous communist and anarchist organizations
is driving for power in this country. They are attempting, and succeeding, in
driving the political debate to a leftist extreme that really hasn't been seen
in this country before. They've succeeded in driving the democrat controlled
congress into an anti-military, anti-defense, anti-American posture and have
driven their support down to 11%.
There is no counter to the democrat
leftist lurch. The democrat party is now committed to's extremism.
They've done this by saturating the compliant media with lies, slurs,
anti-Americanism, and conspiracy theories galore. George Soros is tossing his
money, and I'm sure other organizations (perhaps the Chinese, and Islamic
entities) are joining in too, to usurp America's interests and
In the old days we would
blame the communists but now the communists are supposed to be all gone so no
one bothers to question the motives of these organizations. But if you look
close enough you'll see that the organizers of these movements are the same ones
from before. Palestinian communists, CAIR, hard core anti-capitalist labor
unions, etc.
So what's this got to do
with Ron Paul? It's this: If these nefarious organizations want to control the
debate they can't simply drive the democratic party to the extreme left, they
need to legitimize that move by making it appear that the Republicans also have
a branch supporting extreme left positions. No one thinks that all democrats
and all republicans will adopt these extremist views, but if only one part
adopts them then it is easy to recruit the sane democrats into the ranks of the
So where did this money
for Ron Paul come from? I think it came from organizations such as
It makes perfect sense. It gives the illusion that these extreme political
positions are in fact main stream and makes their acceptance more
Ron Paul supporters don't have
$4M to give away. This came from someplace else. I believe it was a result of
massive campaign contribution fraud. It's not hard at all to create ficticious
people to give money to political causes.
So the conclusion of this rant is that
campaign donation restrictions are just like gun control. If you outlaw guns,
only criminals will have guns. If you outlaw campaign donations, then only
those willing to break the law will get money donated. By limiting who can
support political causes, law abiding people will comply with those limits, yet
people with a lot of money and an inversely proportional amount of ethics can
inject their money wherever they see fit. Campaign finance laws are subverting
the political process by allowing nefarious parties to fraudulently contribute
money to candidates to shift the political
But you never see this in the
news, you never see the source of this money being investigated. Because then
we would have to admit that the Emperor has no clothes.
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