Tuesday - March 31, 2009

Category Image The Power to Bail Out is the Power to Destroy 

In the year 1819, in McCulloch v. Maryland, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the power to tax is the power to destroy, and thus the states were not allowed to tax the US Bank.

What we need is a new understanding that the power to bail out is the power to destroy.  By bailing out innumerable private industries, the federal government has now been exercising powers undreamed of just six months ago:  They've fired the CEO of a major corporation, they're halfway through the process of enacting a bill of attainder and thus violating the Constitution by demanding private individuals surrender their contracted compensation for labor, and they've granted, or acquiesced in allowing the president to unilaterally decree that the federal government will give a warranty for new cars.

It leaves one quite breathless, doesn't it?  

This is the stuff of banana republics.  It's such a bad farce that surely it's all just a collective nightmare we'll wake up from in the morning.  No one can swear to support and defend the Constitution and then dictate that a company be merged with Fiat, a foreign corporation, right?  

The next thing you know, "The Won," B. Hussein will declare Pravda to be the sole judge of editorial content in US newspapers in order to forestall their pending demise.  

You think I'm kidding?  

There are only a few ways all of this can end.  The scariest is that our nation will become a hopelessly endebted nation and war will be our only way out of it, much as how Germany tried to escape its debts by waging war in the 1930's.  

Another way this can end is if the nation finally approves some kind of Constitutional Amendment restoring the Commerce Clause to its original purpose of proscribing interstate taxation of commerce.  Currently the Commerce Clause has been interpreted by FDR appointees as being virtually unlimited in allowing the feds to regulate any commerce, including outlawing growing tomatoes in your own garden for your own dinner table.  (Yes, the Supreme Court actually did that because those tomatoes in your garden were replacing tomatoes you would have otherwise bought.)

We have a separation of church and state.  What we now need is a separation of the eonomy and the state.  And we can start by stripping the executive branch of this unprecedented control of trillions of dollars

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