Wednesday - April 08, 2009

Category Image ZoNation

I've been seeing videos by Alfonzo Rachel for a couple years I think, and I decided that I want to link to him today.  He's the exception to the rule that blacks are racists.  Here is a man who thinks for himself and refuses to support The Won simply because his father was a black man.

Some of his videos are better than others, but I especially like the one when he imitates The Won by holding a teleprompter in his hand.  

I hope this man gets into politics.  He has a quick, likeable wit, and he isn't afraid to go against the vast majority of blacks who are too racist to vote against a communist simply because he is black. 

 Update:  Pajamas TV has now put Alfonzo Rachel on a pay only status.  When his stuff was free it was funny.  It's certainly not worth paying for.  I don't understand Pajamas TV.  I think they have a failed business model.  They need to get much more professional quality before they're worth paying for, and even then, there's too much free political commentary out there that there's no need to be paying for any.

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