Saturday - August 22, 2009
B. Hussein Tells us He is Equal to God
During his campaign to become our first overt marxist president, B. Hussein said that he would lower the oceans and perform other miracles. As cynical as I am, even I took this to be simple hyperbole. Maybe in bad taste, but nothing more than political hyperbole.
My cynicism has jumped into high gear. Now, B. Hussein equates himself with god while talking to religious leaders.
His exact quote, in referring to his healthcare plans, and in reaction to Sarah Palin's description of "death panels" that would give the government the power to decide which of us is to live or die, was, "We are God's partners in matters of life and death."
I have never in my life heard anyone, much less the President, make such an outrageous claim to divine power. I don't think even George III or his ancesters had the gumption to be on a par with God in any matter, let alone in deciding who gets medical care to live or die.
Was this supposed to quell the fears raised by Sarah Palin?
If I weren't an atheist, I would be seriously wondering if this man were the anti-Christ. Everything he has done so far seems to have the intended effect of destroying our national wealth and prestige.
But let's examine this a bit deeper. Could he just be a rube and not realize the meaning of his own words? Let's look at one other factor in this incident.
The comment came during a conference call with religious leaders. It would seem that he should be taking their reactions and sensibilities into account. But just maybe he really is that stupid?
No. He's not. It was intentional.
According to the Washington Jewish Week, (hat tip to my former squadron mate, Beege) the background music while the Jewish religious leaders were waiting for The Oneself to come on line was "Deutschland Über Alles."
Do you know how hard you would have to look to find that song being played? This was the national anthem of the nation that tried to exterminate Jews as though they were rodents.
People made fun of Bush for supposedly making the world hate the United States. Personally, I never saw that. I saw a bunch of people that hated us already and this being blamed on Bush. On the other hand, B. Hussein has deliberately gone out of his way to insult nation after nation, excepting marxist nations that is, in the crudest ways. And now he is insulting an important supportive voting bloc, Reform Jews, very intentionally.
I can't really express the depth of fear I have for our nation. He really seems to be taking on all the characteristics of Bolshevism.
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