Thursday - October 01, 20092016 OlympicsWhy is B. Hussein fixated on bringing the Olympics to Chicago in 2016? He's ignoring his generals who are trying to get him to make a decision about how to wage a war in order to go to Copenhagen to debase himself and our nation by begging a bunch of corrupt people to name his adopted home town as the site for the Olympics. What if, as is likely, the Olympic Committee isn't impressed by The Won and chooses a different city for the Olympics? How will that make him – and us – look after he is snubbed? Why is he stooping so low? I can think of many reasons. 1. His health care plans are getting a lot of attention from the population, and especially strong attention from people who normally don't bother reacting about politics. He's diverting attention from his attempts to nationalize the healthcare industry. The more people talk about Chicago and the Olympics, the less they talk about "death panels" and public options. 2. No Olympics City has ever made money. The only real reason to host the Olympics is to show off your city. And to grease local politicians' hands. B. Hussein has a lot of people that owe him favors or that he owes favors. His retribution against Blogojovech indicated to me that he is not finished with the petty power plays within that gangster-ridden city. 3. The year of these Olympics will be the last year of a second term if he gets one. If he succeeds in getting Chicago named as the host for the games, he will use this to trumpet his own name and use it for his own glorification. He will make it clear to the world that these would be the "O"-lympics. Never pass up an opportunity to glorify the dear leader. 4. There's a perverse sort of logic in diverting his attention away from Afghanistan, with the very predictable reaction from the opposing party that he is misplacing his priorities. Men are dying in foreign lands, and he's stiff arming his generals while schmoozing in Copenhagen. This helps him by magnifying interest in Afghanistan which otherwise was being ignored. Increased interest in Afghanistan is not important to him except that it detracts interest from his marxist takeover of healthcare. It's really a no-brainer that he do this, considering the type of man that he is – egomaniacal, hubristic, and venal. I'm not saying that he's a brilliant political tactician. He really doesn't seem to think above the level of bare knuckle city politics. He certainly doesn't have any interest in looking out for anyone but himself and his own boundless ego. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |