Monday - May 17, 2004The Latest Olympic JokeThe International Olympic Committee has shamed
itself again by deciding that freaks
that pretend that they are women when they are really men can compete
in their tranvestite
Shameful. I don't understand this recent trend to pretend
that these people aren't disturbed. I'm sure I'll get hate mail for saying
this, but the psychiatric and psychology communities are irresponsible in
propping up these confused people and encouraging them to spend so much money on
the pretense that they can change what they are. That they have degrees doesn't
mean that they make sense. Take a walk through an insane asylum where they do
electroshock therapy or observe how many children are being drugged and you too
should learn to disregard most of what these "professionals"
You are what you are. You can't choose what you are. If some people are having whiny problems with getting along with others, the solution is to understand why they are losers, not to perpetuate their confusion by making them pretend to be what they can never be. Okay, so some freaks like to dress up as women, and they find the money to dress up as women in a very expensive and surgical way. It's a free country. I'm sorry that they are freaks, and being free includes having the freedom to be a freak. But it doesn't include the freedom to inflict their confusion on the rest of us who have no doubt as to what they are. I remember growing up and hearing the stories that the Russians and their satellite nations were fielding female athletes that were taking hormones to make them perform better. In the politics of the cold war, this was the butt of many jokes about the nature of their women, but it seemed natural then and now to limit the intake of hormones and performance enhancing drugs. So what is the difference between a man who chops off his pecker to compete as a woman, and a woman who takes hormones to enhance her performance. The IOC is clearly dominated by politically correct weenies who are more interested in placating the sensibilities of freaks and their freakish supporters than in nurturing a truly amateur athletic competition. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |