Tuesday - January 13, 2004It's just another example of their real intentThe Americans with Disabilities Act was a noble
sounding bad idea when it was first introduced. I was against it then and I'm
against it now. Not because I have some antipathy towards cripples (oops, we're
not supposed to use that word anymore), but because it's a fraud. The US
Supreme Court has made it clear that the only beneficiaries of the ADA are
craven politicians seeking power over businesses.
The most important and most reasonable goal of
the ADA would be to require that first and foremost that government buildings be
accessible to all people. But in Tennessee, a man was
arrested for failure to appear in court because he refused to crawl
up the stairs or be carried up them.
You know, I would think that access to a court room would be the absolutely very first place that should be ADA compliant. If I were confined to a wheel chair, I would be afraid to be in a second story building without a safe means of egress. Since government buildings are not required to meet even building codes, it is very reasonable to fear that they are most likely to have a fire or other emergency -- like maybe an angry participant in the judicial process being a bit too proactive in settling his case. If there is a fire, should this gentleman expect that someone is going to carry him down the stairs? I hope they would, but it's reasonable for him to fear that they won't. So, this man, with reasonable fears for his safety, is arrested because the government doesn't follow the same rules that it requires its tax payers to follow. It's typical, isn't it? Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |