Thursday - April 23, 2009A Master of Saying NothingObama has shown a complete mastery of publicly standing for nothing. His latest stunt is a very interesting nuance on that theme. He says he wants to look to the future, not to the past. He's been saying that for a while now. And there are a lot of politicians that holler one thing and do another. That's not new. But what The Won has done now is nothing short of brilliant as a demonstration of getting others to do dirty work while he professes to stay above the fray. He released the classified legal briefs formed for President Bush concerning how different types of torture and maltreatment could be allowed in a twisted and immoral interpretation of law. But then he says, oh, but I don't want to do anything about it knowing darn well that congress will. Don't misunderstand me. The use of torture, no matter what it may have or may not have gained us in intelligence, was a disastrous and immoral position that will stain the honor of our nation for centuries. Why would any nation strive to copy our form of government if we allow torture and mistreatment of people, no matter how barbaric or vicious they might be? Dick Cheney quipped that if Obama is going to declassify the papers describing the torture and mistreatment allowed, then he should also declassify the results obtained. I have respect for Cheney because I think he is very intelligent, but he is also morally bankrupt on this issue. He is also part of the team that believed that a war can be won using only special forces and limited numbers of people. For all his intelligence, he certainly has no appreciation for human nature and the citizens of nations. It doesn't matter what intelligence was gained, it was not worth it. I digress. Back to the point. B. Hussein has succeeded in stirring up a hornet's nest. His lackeys in the press won't call him out on it, and indeed they have been faithfully parroting his disingenuous protestations that this unprecedented breach of security was innocently intended. Meanwhile, lawyers who wrote a legal opinion for their client are being threatened with criminal prosecution. The dean of the University of California at Irvine (a very well known man in the legal community) has said, and he made sure that we knew his comparison was intentional and exact, that the writers of these legal opinions were precisely as guilty as the Nazis who slaughtered 6 million Jews. As he has done all his life, B. Hussein will get to eat his cake and have it too. Others will do the dirty work, while he sits back and lets them do it. This is precisely how he is going to turn this nation into a Soviet Republic of America, the dream of the Communist Party of the United States. He is going to nationalize the banks by converting preferred stocks into voting common stocks and then we will be doomed. Can you tell that I'm not happy about the way things are going? Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |