Monday - September 25, 2006AngelsI met some angels this weekend. I found no
evidence of wings, yet more sainted they could not be. Karen Guenther and
Joanna Wroblewski happened to be at Brooke Army Medical Center and heard that
the local Marines, 4th Recon Battalion, were having yet another memorial service
for our fallen comrades. This time we had made portraits of each of them and
hung them in the hallway. These women decided to visit
Karen, along with two or three other women, a few years ago decided suddenly to found the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. They each chipped in $100 to help Marines injured in combat or training. They sought out supporters and now only a few years later they have raised more than $12 million! They help families struggling to overcome bureaucracy and other hurdles so that they can heal together. For instance, one woman's husband was severely injured and was in the hospital. At the same time her new born baby was terribly ill and in another hospital. The poor woman was frazzled shuttling between hospitals every day. Karen somehow got both into the same hospital and provided her a place nearby to stay. Joanna represented the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivvors (TAPS). We especially enjoyed meeting her because her husband was a Marine killed in Fallujah, and his exploits were written about in many books and publications. Her organization helps widows and survivors of those killed in action in any branch of service. She exuded positive energy and there is no doubt of the passion she has to help others that are going through the same pain she went through. I was humbled in their presence. These women are truly great heros. Yet, both of them repeatedly thanked us for serving. I felt embarrassed and almost guilty at that. None of us were hurt overseas. We got to live through an exhilirating experience. We had been trained for years. We were paid to do what we did. Yet these women had no obligation. They needn't have done anything at all, yet they are devoting their lives to helping others whose lives are mangled by war. There are two types of heros. Those that are heros in battle, and those that are heros at home. These women are my heros. end. .
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