Saturday - March 19, 2005Defending NowhereThe repeater site is nowhere. I mean nowhere.
Well, the whole country I've seen so far is nowhere. Nothing but dirt, a few
sparse and dry plants, and occasional badly maintained roads. If you can call
them roads, that is. Most are barely passable by tanks and other extreme off
road vehicles. People live near the Euphrates, but go more than few hundred
meters from the river and you're nowhere. We're
Last night I went on a patrol of this part of nowhere. Our standing orders are to kill anyone inside the wire that isn't a Marine. I took the place of a regular member of the fire team. Our mission is to patrol the site and prevent people from taking items that can be used as bombs. There are a lot of such things nowhere. And people want them badly enough to risk meeting us. They know we're here and what we do. That morning some of my Marines went on another
patrol. They were delivering water and rations to an outpost. Twenty minutes
after they left, we heard a distant boom. The corpsman was on the radio and
came running out, "Oh shit! They hit a mine!" Officers earn their money by not
showing excitement at times like this. I calmly and deliberately got my war
gear on and prepared to move out if needed, but it turns out our Marines were
safe, someone else ran into the mine and of them, no one was hurt.
That's about the best they can do. A few mines here and there. That's it. It's pathetic. Most of their mines and IED's are seen before going off, and those that go off only hurt or kill a very few. It's a bad thing for the victims, but in the big picture it doesn't even dent our capability to go where we want to go. Trucks get blown up, the other trucks tow them out. Broken down vehicles are never abandoned for terrorists to dance on them as Al Jazeera cameras film the scene. So, we move on no matter what with all our gear. We don't stop our mission, every convoy is completed. Young boys that are seen selling sodas to Americans have been cut in half while alive. Others have their limbs hacked off one at a time. Terror is their only power. Militarily there is no contest, we dominate where we wish to dominate. We will only lose if the American people lose their resolve and become terrorized. One thing's for sure, the Marines won't lose theirs. PS. Check out the comic book author Joe Sacco's story that is where i am at now, and my battalion replaced 1/23. You can view his story online here (PDF format) -- and it's pretty cool. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |