Thursday - November 20, 2003LtCol West has seen too many moviesAn army battalion commander is undergoing a court
martial for ordering his soldiers to beat a prisoner of war, threatening to kill
him, and twice firing a pistol to scare him. He claims he was just trying to
protect his men. He claims that he knew that this prisoner had information
about a plot to assassinate him and ambush his troops. Somehow he was able to
know this, but he didn't know anything more.
It doesn't appear to me that this occurred during a firefight or in the heat of action, which still wouldn't much excuse him, because they were garrisoned long enough for him to supposedly be targeted by the enemy by name. LtCol West has successfully garnered sympathy from the public, including many who should know better, by claiming to have the prescience to know that he was saving the lives of his troops, a spurious claim that he repeats ad nauseum. He should be put in jail, and here's why. I think LtCol West has seen too many movies. I
also think it is presumptive to believe that the ambush wouldn't have been
averted anyway, or that the prisoner wouldn't have talked without being beaten
and threatened with a pistol. We can't know alternative futures, nor can he.
Yet he has been telling us that he can.
I suspect that any battalion commander that orders a prisoner beaten up by his troops has some issues with the law. I don't have a big problem with firing a pistol into a safety drum. I can't imagine that intimidating anyone. (Dogs bark when they're chained up. When they're not chained, they either run or bite and don't waste time barking.) It wouldn't have intimidated me, I've heard gunshots before. I suspect that the prisoner would have talked if just yelled at from the way I heard the story. But then, I wasn't there. Regardless, I think that we have laws and that if you publicly flaunt the laws as the commander, you can't expect anyone else to follow them. How can he expect his troops to treat prisoners properly when he's not around if he's going to do this in front of them all, and then make it a part of his official report? He should be cashiered for simply being stupid. If the situation were really as dire as he now presents it, he should have been more discreet. Part of having command or being in charge is to know which rules are to be bent and when. I know that the troops working for me occasionally broke the rules. It's impossible to live without doing so. But if one of them came to me with a written confession telling me that not only was a rule broken, but a criminal offense was committed then I'd be obliged to act on it even if no harm was done. So putting this sophomoric stunt in his official report was honest but idiotic. If he really thought this was the only way to preserve the lives of his men, to take upon himself the responsibility of maltreating a prisoner, then he should accept the consequences of his decision. He holds a commission to obey the laws of the officers over him and the government who commissioned him. If he wants to disobey their laws and publicize his misbehavior so openly, then he should salute smartly and accept the consequences. I understand that no one was hurt or at least not given serious injuries. But this guy just got lucky. He probably knows nothing about interrogation techniques. What if his shooting into a barrel foolishness didn't work? What would his next step have been? Shooting at his feet? Shooting him in the leg? Pistol whipping him? I think this officer was out of control, and afterwards was smug about getting lucky that his silliness worked and bragged about it in a report. He needs to be punished, and probably put in jail. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |