Friday - November 10, 2006George McGovern is Back and Saying Stupid ThingsMcGovern is before my time, but I've never heard
anything much good about him. But now he's back,
reportedly to advise the new congress on how to end the
Here's the latest words of idiocy coming from him, "The best way to reduce this insurgency is to get the American forces out of there," McGovern said. "That's what's driving this insurgency." I don't know where this nonsense comes from, but I can assure you that the Somalians, Chads, Chechens, Syrians, Saudis and Egyptians, among other nationalities that we captured and killed in Iraq would have come to establish their Emirate regardless. And if America weren't in Iraq how can anyone say that there wouldn't still be inter-Iraqi fighting for control of the government. I think it's a good thing that guy wasn't elected back then if this is the kind of idiocy that he's going to spout. end .
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