Friday - September 07, 2007It's all in the PresentationGeneral Petraeus wrote a letter to all under his
command with a preview of what he plans to tell Congress. His second paragraph
sums things up.
"Up front, my sense is that we have achieved tactical momentum and wrested the initiative from our enemies in a number of areas of Iraq. The result has been progress in the security arena, although it has, as you know, been uneven. Additionally, as you all appreciate very well, innumerable tasks remain and much hard work lies ahead. We are, in short, a long way from the goal line, but we do have the ball and we are driving down the field." I read this and see optimism. But our enemies in the press see nothing but ruin. Tonight I was listening to the radio while running some errands and they cited this very letter. What did they say the General's report said? They said, "General Petraeus sent a letter to his troops telling them that the surge has failed to meet expectations." Unbelievable. end. .
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