Friday - May 28, 2004The Pope Says We're Winning!!Updated
I announce with great pride that now even that despicable, mystical, loony man that many people call the Pope has acknowledged that American culture is attaining perfection. He says that we are "turning against spirituality in favor of materialistic desires, giving way to a 'soulless vision of life.'" I couldn't be happier! Oh wait. For some reason he calls this a bad thing. This is only more proof that the "Holy See" is a home of depravity and evil. Here we are in the United States, the most
prosperous nation ever to exist in the history of the world. Our people are
happier, safer, richer, healthier, with more potential than those living in any
other place in the world now or ever in history. The citizens of our nation are
routinely among the smartest, the best athletes, the best of everything ever to
be found in this world. Not only that, but we export freedom to other parts of
the world and we give money, food, and medicine to needy countries. Our
medical, scientific, and engineering discoveries save countless lives everywhere
in the world.
How can anyone who wishes good for mankind say that our nation is the center of anything bad? The truth is that organized, dictatorial religions like those under the boot of the Roman See are being displaced by something much better. Man is learning freedom is more powerful in promoting long, happy lives than are death centered religions. The Roman church and most of Christianity are obsessed with dying. To them, nothing we do here matters except how it affects our status after we're dead. While Americans are celebrating life every day, Saint Peter's successor is only thinking of us being dead. The Roman Catholic church still has a very strong influence of its hey days during the Black Death when one third of its parishoners were killed. It still teaches that women are sexual animals to be shunned by pious men. The Pope leads a religion that only very recently advocated killing the democratically elected government of Spain and its supporters. The current Pope leads a religion that encourages poverty and subservience to despotic Central American regimes. Nice guy. The man called the Pope is also the looney toon that believes fervently in his own magical powers to drive out demons from people who are "possessed." Most of us laugh at televangelists, but they're no different than this guy in the pointy hat. In fact long before he completely lost his mind from senility, he updated the rite of exorcism. You know, there are a lot of ghosts and goblins out there that need to be chased that are much more important than speaking out against tyrannical regimes. Oooh, look out! There's a ghost behind you! Better find the Pope! This lump of deathly depravity has repeatedly denounced the United States for bringing freedom to those living under the horror in Iraq. He has joined hands with Muslims and "prayed" with those who would kill Americans because he agrees with them that happiness, prosperity and freedom from oppressive religious control are things to be feared. The Roman Catholic church destroyed the prosperity of the Roman Empire and brought the dark ages to Europe, a time of mindlessness and absolute social and political control of an entire continent, not unlike what the Taliban wanted in Afghanistan. The dark age ended only after the monopolistic control of Christianity in Europe was broken by the Protestants. Now there are more Americans who profess a belief in god and worship regularly than in any other nation on earth. It seems that freedom promotes that too. Oh, but wait. These pious Americans don't worship the same way the tyrant in Rome dictates, therefore we must be bad. Maybe if he and his lieutenants weren't playing with the private parts of little boys, they might notice more of their own irrelevence. If this despicable man thinks that Americans have too much individuality, too much freedom, too much money, and too much happiness, then I say, it's a damn good thing he's over there and we're not under his boot. Let's celebrate our good fortune. Update 6/4/04: Today the Pope took the occasion of President Bush's visit to him to insult him for the prison abuses that took place in Iraq. I'm among those who are most offended by what happened, but President Bush never condoned what happened there, and indeed has promised that punishment will be meted out. But the Pope, who thinks that pedophiles, so long as they swear obedience to him, should be protected from the reach of the law and rewarded with cushy jobs, insults a man who comes across the world to pay his respects. I hope that the Pope is never again welcomed at the White House. What nerve! Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |