Sunday - April 21, 2002

Category Image Why You Shouldn't be a Catholic. (or any kind of Christian)

The recent spate of priests being accused of being perverts and pedophiles is hardly surprising to anyone who has spent time among men pursuing the priesthood. (I matriculated at a Catholic university, and my brother is a priest.) There are without doubt some very nice guys who desire to be priests, but the requirement of celibacy discourages most men with healthy urges (and even minds) from living such an unnatural life. The priesthood was more popular in poorer nations like in Ireland during the Potato Famine, or in Spain before their Civil War, and in most of Europe when poverty was common. In most of these countries the priesthood was a good way to get an education and to make sure you had food to eat. Celibacy was often winked at or ignored as a requirement. In the fifteenth century one of the best selling books was written by a Spanish priest entitled "The Book of Good Love," filled with lurid details how to seduce every type of woman. It was obviously written from personal experience. That priest was eventually jailed, but the propensity for priests to have "maids" or "cousins" living with them was still very common. Shortly before the Spanish Inquisition there was an attempt to enforce the celibacy requirement, but this was scoffed at by most. Even Popes have been known to have children and mistresses. It appears to me that this past century has been one of the rarer times where priests are expected to observe this vow.

Today in the United States, celibacy is expected to be observed with the result that normal men, and I use the term "normal" very purposefully, generally will not consider being a priest. There are exceptions: Some men really are quite devout and such staunch believers that they consider it a worthwhile sacrifce, but for the most part men with unhealthy or unnatural minds become priests. Celibacy doesn't make them perverts, they were the type to be perverts before they became priests. The church tries to weed these out, but their desparate shortage of priests (US churches now recruit heavily from third world countries where men join the clergy to escape poverty) clearly has made them reduce standards.

Of course the real tragedy (beyond the plight of the victims) isn't that the church is suffering from a bad reputation, the real tragedy is that the church heirarchy protected these perverts from receiving the punishments they richly deserve. According to Roman Catholic doctrine, any priest has the ability to forgive any sin, but it appears that they have forgotten the other side of that doctrine: They have the authority to hold the sinners bound to their guilt. They can also make forgiveness dependent on submitting to "worldly" justice.

In fact, the concept of separation of church and state is much older than our nation, it is strongly implied in the New Testament itself when Jesus advised his followers to give to Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to give to god that which belongs to god. According to Jesus, the "soul" (whatever that is) belongs to god, while the body belongs to this world, symbolized by Caesar.

In our nation of laws, we tolerate (and often encourage) people to believe in magic and we respect peoples' rights to believe in every kind of faeries or demons or gods that they desire. This freedom of minds is extremely important. Freedom is only possible when it includes the freedom to be wrong. Thus we should embrace our freedom of religion, no matter how nonsensical religion is, but we should also be sure to keep this freedom of thought and expression within the bounds of otherwise moral behavior. For example, we can allow people to believe that pedophilia is a good thing and express that idea, but the line is drawn when people use religion to commit pedophilia, or protect those who do so even while objecting to the practice.

In short, the Catholic church may have forgiven these perverts, but we as a society haven't. They may forgive them all they like, and even call them saints and claim they will go to some idyllic paradise after they are dead, but we as a society have a responsibility to make sure that pedophiles are indeed dead. Whatever they want to believe about what happens after their peers are dead is their concern, and irrelevent to justice in the world that really exists.

Conceptually, there is little difference between a religion that is used to protect men that like to play with little boys' private parts, and a religion that encourages men to fly airplanes into skyscrapers. Both are examples of people using their belief in magic to permit crimes against their fellow man. The Catholic church officially doesn't approve of the men who have committed these crimes, but they appear to have condoned it for decades that we know of. We should not forget how the Catholic church encourages people to murder political opponents, even as recently as the 1930's in Spain. We should never allow them to protect perverts either. Both perverts and their protectors should be prosecuted vigorously and unmercifully within the fullest allowable penalties of the law.

All Americans should examine this event and reconsider how they can obey such a cabal of men, for the Catholic church demands not only belief, but obedience. Those who wish to live a life of morality would do better to depend on their own minds to discern right from wrong rather than depend on the likes of these to interpret it for them.

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