Sunday - March 14, 2004Al Qaeda has Won in SpainThe bombings in Spain last week are a terrible
act of assassination by a murderous culture. The goal of the Islamics was to
topple the government of Jose Maria Aznar, and the Spaniards have acquiesced by
voting out his party. This is a very sad
And it is potentially dangerous if Spain abandons its forward looking foreign policy and again embraces the intellectual vacancy of popular European ideology. I want to thank the Spanish government for
standing with us on the war on Islam. The Islamics have vowed to return Spain,
or Al Andalus, to Islamic rule. They were last kicked out of there following
shortly after the fall of Grenada to the Reyes Catholica, Ferdinand and Isabella
in the year 1492. The Muslims ruled there for about 700 years before being
ousted and I guess they haven't forgiven the Spaniards yet. In fact, there are
families in North Africa that reportedly still keep the keys to their houses
from 500 years ago in the hope to some day return
But the Spanish people have succumbed to the Islamic terror. In the perpetual Spanish struggle for identity as being European, they have rejected their own safety and sided with the European "intellectuals." These are the same "intellectuals" that brought on the loss of their government and their freedom in the Spanish Civil War. About 100 years ago, Spain began the transformation from a monarchy to a republic, and rather than use good common sense, the people of Spain rewarded idealists and other practitioners of bad philosophy with the reins of government. These idealists were heavily influenced by French and German socialist thinkers. Their frivolous ideas included little in the way of political practicality and their actions threatened the status quo of established powers. In reaction, a cabal of old monarchists (Carlists), Catholics, Conservatives, and fascists, known as the Nationalists, attacked the government militarily in 1936. So the Spanish Civil War began. Led by idealists who spurned military power, the Republic was left without an army or arms. Almost the entire military was controlled by the fascist Nationalists. But the Republicans had a moral claim to their government, and their supporters didn't lack for bravery or zeal. What they lacked were arms and a trained army. And then the European intellectuals and socialists betrayed them. The theory they had, and we've seen it again recently in the Balkans, is that if only no weapons are allowed into a war zone, the war will stop. Just as they denied the Serbians the ability to defend themselves importing arms, the French socialists along with the appeasing British (remember Neville Chamberlain and his party) convinced the world to agree to an arms embargo on Spain. But the problem is that the embargo only worked when it applied to the elected government, not to the rebels. The elected government reaped what it sewed. It advocated pacifism and rejected military power, and learned the hard way that the primary role of government is to wield force. Good government isn't one that rejects the use of force, good government is the one that uses force wisely. Unable to buy arms, the Spanish government fell in just over a year. The Nationalists, armed by a fascist German government, overwhelmed the Republicans. What is worse, the Republicans allowed themselves to be controlled by the Soviets in order to get some arms smuggled in. Sadly, the Soviets took delivery of all of Spain's gold that it had amassed from its colonial days, to be held "in safe keeping." The theory was that any arms desired would be paid for from the gold. Of course, precious few of the arms paid for were actually delivered, and of those delivered, they were obsolete or malfunctioning. The Soviets, the guardians of pure socialism and leaders of the Communist International, were more interested in prolonging the war and controlling the people than in beating the Nationalists and the German fascists. They betrayed the freedom of the Spaniards while trying to export their Stalinist terror. Betrayed by France, betrayed by Russia, betrayed by the intellectual vacuum of appeasement, pacifism, and wishful thinking, the Spaniards lived under the fascist thumb of Franco and his Nationalists until 1975. And now they have turned to the intellectual successors of these appeasers. A murderous culture that wishes to overthrow them first along with the rest of the world has bombed them. At the very first sucker punch, they've whimpered and begged for their lives from murderers. The problem is that their capitulation won't end the danger they face. I feel bad for Spain. I have many good friends there and have visited many times. A more wonderful people would be hard to find. But I fear this reaction to the bombing is ill-considered. It came very close to the elections and emotions have prevailed over logic. Look for Al Qaeda to attack other countries prior to their elections. This is the advantage of tyrants and despots over democracy. The people must be strong and educated in the cold hard facts of life. The people must be relentless in preserving their own freedom. Spain, by succumbing to the terror have encouraged their enemy to attack again. I'm very sorry for Spain. I'm very sorry for the victims of this series of bombs. I hope that the new rulers in Spain continue to protect their people by remaining with the US in destroying Islamic terrorism. Spain was among the first to defeat Islam, let's hope they join us in forever destroying it. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |