Wednesday - December 29, 2004Arabs Lack of MindI'm reading Raphael Patai's "The Arab Mind." I'm
only a third of the way through it, and it is pretty boring, if enlightening.
The gist of what I've read so far is that because of Arab culture, Arabs are
incapable of telling the truth, do not have a firm grasp of sequence or history,
think it is admirable to kill their own daughter under common circumstances, and
mask their hideous lives in a superficial hospitality that they take great pride
I'm sorry, but they're screwy. The first clue to my unsurprising discovery through Patai's book is when he began discussing "face." I experienced the fraud of "face" while in Japan and it appears to work the same among Arabs. I learned then that the Japanese found it very convenient to hide behind the facade of "cultural differences" and manipulated American politicians and thus me by claiming that they see the world in a different way. I didn't buy it then, and I don't buy it now. Arabs, be they Muslim or Christian, or whatever,
use a similar ideology of "face." What it really means is that their culture is
backwards and they don't like to admit it, so they pretend that others must bend
reality to accommodate their perverse view of the
The stories of Arabs refusing to tell the truth are legendary. It is briefed to all Americans heading overseas that Arabs will never tell you that something can't be done. If you ask if they can deliver a product at a time and date, they will always say yes. They fully expect that they are not to be believed. Got that? They knowingly tell a lie, with the full knowledge that if you act on their answer that dire consequences may result. Yet they dismiss their treachery as just a quirk of their culture. All cultures are not equal. Their culture is immoral and decidedly inferior to ours. There is a powerful element controlling their culture that wishes to destroy ours. It is our moral responsibility to destroy them first. The more I learn about these virtual subhuman, immoral, anti-life, anti-mind people, the more I am inspired to help destroy them so that we might resume our lives in peace. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |