Sunday - May 07, 2006Another BeheadingA female Iraqi journalist was beheaded
on 22 February. I just learned of it today.
They stripped her to the waist, sliced her neck. threw her on the ground, stomped her body eight times to make blood spurt out her wounds, then picked her up, chopped off her head and then placed her head on her chest as she lay on the ground. They positioned her head to be looking into the camera as it perched on her bare chest. She asked the crowd to protect her, but no one did. The cries of "god is great" were heard while she screamed in pain. Her body was found with numerous power drill wounds, a common form of torture in Baghdad lately. Where are the feminists? Where is the US press? Why aren't we hearing this reported loudly everywhere? I know why. It's because journalists are on the other side in
this war. This may be a woman, she may be a journalist, but none of that
matters. All that matters is that her fate could only help stir up support for
the good guys in this war, and the American media doesn't want
A video is circulating somewhere. I haven't seen it. I don't want to see it. But I should see it. I want to be reminded, everyday. I want to never forget, ever. America needs to be reminded everyday. Americans need to never forget. Ever. We are at war with animals. We are at war with a culture that wishes to destroy life. We are at war with a religion that values death over life. We are at war with Islam. We must destroy Islam. Before it destroys us. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |