Saturday - September 15, 2001The Price for the Death of AmericansThe horrifying attack on our nation this past
week cannot be justified in any way. I denounce the Libertarian Party's comments
linking this attack to US intervention in foreign affairs. I agree that the US
should be more isolationist in its foreign policy, but no matter how meddlesome
the US may have been (and I don't think we have been very meddlesome) in foreign
nations, this attack is beyond sanity.
The people who did this must be destroyed. They
must become like Carthage after the third
Punic War
. (Click here for a briefer, but less
synopsis.) Their culture, their government,
their people, their homes, their livestock, their pets, their land, everything
associated with them must be anihilated completely. Those who might in the
future be tempted to commit such an act should know that they will cease to
exist, their ideas and religions will perish and become nothing but a footnote
in history. There must be no mercy, no escape of any person in the nations
supporting these governments. A people are responsible for the government that
they allow to rule them, and they must be held accountable by ceasing to exist
in a terrible, bloody, painful and complete death of their entire culture. There
is no Carthage any more. There is no Punic or Carthaginian culture that remains.
Their fields were salted and nothing remains of them except the history of their
Likewise, the country from which these attacks were launched must become sterile and devoid of human life. Let no one forget the price that they will pay for attacking our peaceful and prosperous nation. Let all the people of the world know the peril they place themselves in by allowing themselves to be ruled by those that would strike at us. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |