Saturday - June 19, 2004
I Can No Longer Be Patient and Understanding
A third innocent man has had his head viciously
hacked off by Muslims. These animals held these men down and sawed off their
heads by cutting through their necks with a mildly sharp knife while the men
screamed and gurgled.
Yet there are
people in this nation of ours who are so blinded by political hatred that they
still claim that our war is misguided, or worse.
The evidence of what these people are is no
longer in question. No one can claim to not understand. From now on, those who
object to this war can no longer be patted on the head and sent along their way
like the morons they are. Now even morons must know what we face. Those not
supporting this war, in one way or another, are supporting the enemy.
There is always room for discussion on
how to wage the war, but I will no longer tolerate the treasonous bastards who
say that we should stop the war.
sickened by these traitors almost as much as I am sickened by Muslims who hew
off the heads of good men.
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