Tuesday - September 07, 2004

Category Image Al Qaeda's Agenda is Moving Forward

Some of my friends have expressed surprise and wonderment that the animals in Al Qaeda are attacking the French and the Russians because these have been voices calling for moderation in our attempt to exterminate them. Why, they ask, would Al Qaeda want to create more enemies?

The answer is simple and clear.

At the beginning of the last century, the communists believed that the oppressed workers of the world only lacked a spark to make them all be united and rise up against the established powers in the world. Small groups of workers would be crushed, but no force on Earth could stop them if all workers were united in their rage.

So what did the communists do? They agitated, they tried to make the governments look as horrible as possible so that more workers would join their cause. One event, if sufficiently shocking, would be the spark to unite them all and cause a world revolution.

This is similar to Al Qaeda's goal. They believe that they should rule the world, and if they can tap into religious fervor and unite all the Muslim world to their cause, then they will be unstoppable. No matter their backwardsness, the numbers of Muslims would overcome everything and put Al Qaeda into power.

But if there are western voices that call for moderation, then many Muslims will refuse to join them. Only by inflaming all of Western Civilization against them will they be able to say, "see, they all are the enemies of us all, join us in protecting our faith."

So you see, it isn't a mystery at all why they are attacking Russia and France. It is vital to their cause.

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