Friday - September 10, 2004Word Processors and Media CredibilityOkay, so RatherGate is underway and more and more
people are finally, hopefully, recognizing the complete moral depravity of Dan
Rather, CBS, and much of the mainstream
So we got them. The very amateurish forgeries are exposed and I am waiting for Dan Rather to be forced out of office, err, fired shortly. All is well and good. The foolish effort to smear George Bush with lies and animosity has failed and will likely boost his credibility. So why am I not happy? I'm not happy because this is neither the end nor
the beginning. I want to see a backwards analysis of what other lies and
forgeries have been spread by the democrats, oops, I mean the
And now that they've seen that people are watching them, it won't be hard to make better forgeries in the future. If these forgeries weren't so incredibly incompetent, we'd all have been forced to be arguing whether or not it was pertinent if George Bush had complied with his obligations 30 years ago. This exposure of "journalistic" malfeasance will only embolden them to make better forgeries next time. Unless we as citizens stop giving the media a pass on their claims of credibility and demand to see full proof at all times, we will be victims again of better forgeries, not to mention continued distortions and lies. Three cheers for Powerline blog and the others that exposed this criminal fraud. I hope we are never able to be fooled again. Go Back to the Start, Do Not Collect $200 Send me your two cents | |