Now that you've gotten the RTS installed here's some pictures of the bike rack and luggage rack.
The luggage carrier costs almost $500US. It can hold two back packs (one in front of the other) or skis. It is 7'2" long (with variation for the rounded edges) and 1' 7" wide. There are two latches that intrude about 3.25" into the container, and are about 5" wide. I say "about" because the dimensions are not square, but those dimensions are as useful as you'd likely need. The container is about 13" tall at the tallest point, and it tapers down gradually to the minimum height of 6" tall at the very front. As you can see from the pictures, that six inches is only for the very edge, and it gets taller fairly fast.
I haven't been able to find an alternate supplier, which is what took me so long to settle on the Porsche model. It doesn't look any worse than a model by Thule, Yakima, or any other brand at least. In fact it looks suspiciously like a Thule model. You can contact their distributors, one of which is REI who sells them for about $400 US. From what I can tell, the mounting methods are different. I'm sure you can purchase the carrier and make your own mounts. I'll continue to research that. (Modifying a Thule box doesn't look to be practical -- updated 8/2/01.) The distance between the rails is 28". The sliders that go in the rails are just slightly larger than 3/4" (probably metric, but 3/4" would definitely work, they're not precision-made).
It's awkward to install. It's not very heavy, I haul it around by myself fairly easily, but I can't install it myself. A second person is mandatory to do this. You have to get these little square sliders into the slots on the crossbars. Of course, the squares always want to rotate so they don't fit. I don't know why Porsche didn't make them rounded and longer so that they slide in easier. There are so many stupid design flaws in the entire RTS system. I think Porsche needs to hire me in their design section. With the margin they get on these devices, they should put better designs in place.
Here's a front view of the luggage carrier and the bike rack. Note that there is room (barely) for a second bike rack. You have to mount the second bike rack backwards (which Porsche recommends), but it will fit. It will easily fit without the luggage carrier installed. The bike rack is much cheaper, more like $180US. A much better price, and a much better design. It is easily installed by one person. I made another page to go over some details of the bike rack for those interested.
Close up of the bike rack. There was little wind noise with it on while driving. I was impressed by how well the bike stayed put.
One more view of the bike rack.
1. RTS Installation - Starting Off
2. RTS Installation - A Pillars
3. RTS Installation - B Pillars
4. RTS Installation - Installing Arches and Finishing Up
5. RTS Accessories
If you note any errors or omissions, please let me know.
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